Senate Public Health Committee Hearing Update

Yesterday, our Executive Director, Ken Newburger, along with lawmakers from other states, doctors, and patient advocates, testified before the Senate Public Health Committee. Below is an update from the hearing.

Lawmakers, Patient Advocates and Doctors

Lawmakers from Utah and Oklahoma shared how their states have been changed by their respective medical marijuana programs. Among the lawmakers from Utah and Oklahoma, doctors and patient advocates were also given the chance to testify. Doctor Jennifer Bryan and Dr. Scott Hambleton urged that marijuana is a substance that needs to be studied. On the other hand, patient advocates Amy Smoot and Mark Cash recalled testimonies about real people who benefited from the use of medical marijuana.

Executive Director Ken Newburger

Executive Director, Ken Newburger's testimony highlighted the importance of reasonable fees, seed to sale tracking, and proper regulations to keep from having to wait for the market to regulate. He also predicted that 4-6% of Mississippians will have a medical marijuana card. He emphasized that continuing education requirements for employees is imperative to prevent a de facto recreational program.

It is our hope that the Legislature will consider the words of these lawmakers, doctors and patient advocates to implement a program that benefits patients in Mississippi.


Read The Medical Marijuana Bill Summary


Four Pillars of Medical Marijuana Legislation Consistent with Initiative 65