Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the qualifying conditions in SB2095?

Qualifying Conditions for a Medical Marijuana Card in Mississippi:


Parkinson's disease

Huntington’s disease

Muscular dystrophy


Spastic quadriplegia

Positive status for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)

HepatitisAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Crohn's disease

Ulcerative colitis



Alzheimer's disease

Agitation of dementia

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)


Pain refractory to appropriate opioid management

Diabetic/peripheral neuropathy

Spinal cord disease or severe injury

Or the treatment of these conditions that produce one or more of the following:

A chronic, terminal, or debilitating disease or medical condition

Cachexia or wasting syndrome

Chronic pain

Severe or intractable nausea


Severe and persistent muscle spasms, including, but not limited to, those characteristic of multiple sclerosis.

Additional Provisions:

Any other serious medical condition or its treatment added by the Mississippi Department of Health, as provided for in Section 9 of this act.

2. Does SB2095 allow for homegrow?

SB2095 does not allow for homegrow.

3. Can I grow medical marijuana outdoors?

SB2095 does not allow for medical marijuana to be grown outdoors.

4. How can I get a patient card?

Patients who qualify for a card under the current regulations must go through a certification process. To learn more about this process and the requirements for qualification, please visit the Mississippi Cannabis Patients Alliance website.

5. How do I apply for a license?

Licenses for Cannabis Dispensaries are handled by the Mississippi Department of Revenue, while the Department of Health is responsible for all other licenses. Please visit the DoH’s Medical Cannabis Program Website to learn more.

6. What are the fees?

Our partners at McGlaughlin PC wrote an informational blog regarding the fees associated with obtaining licenses. Please note - these fees are subject to change. Please visit the DoH website for the most up-to-date information regarding license fees.

7. Where can I find the final wording of the bill?

The final wording of the Mississippi Medical Cannabis act can be found on the legislature’s website here.

8. Where can I find the rules and regulations of the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act?

The Mississippi Department of Health is frequently updating the rules and regulations pertaining to the medical marijuana program. Below is a link to the DoH Medical Cannabis website, where you can find all of the most up-to-date regulations and changes to the program.

9. Which cities and counties are currently opted out of the dispensary program?

There is a dynamic map provided by the Department of Revenue that shows which cities and counties have opted out. It can be found here. This map is subject to change.

10. When will product be available?

Product is currently available for purchase by qualified patients in over 70 cannabis dispensaries in operation across the state, with more coming online daily.